Results for 'Héctor Jorge Padrón'

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  1.  21
    Comunión y comunicación. Una aproximación a Vjaceslav Ivanovic Ivanov.Héctor Jorge Padrón - 2000 - Analogía Filosófica 14 (1):185-204.
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  2. Subjetivistas radicales Y hermenéutica en la escuela austríaca de economía1.Miguel Verstraete, Héctor J. Padrón, Jorge Martínez Barrera & Carlos I. Massini Correas - 1998 - Sapientia 53 (204):419.
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  3. Tecnociencia y crisis ambiental.Héctor J. Padrón - 1999 - Sapientia 54 (205):219-226.
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    Comportamiento a la cizalladura de vigas encoladas laminadas de guadua angustifolia kunth.B. González, Héctor Alvaro, Jorge Augusto Montoya Arango & Civil Steffen Hellwig - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Relación entre orientación política y condición socioeconómica en la cultura política chilena:. una aproximación desde la psicología política.Andrés Haye, Héctor Carvacho, Roberto González, Jorge Manzi & Carolina Segovia - 2009 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 23.
    A partir de un estudio longitudinal sobre cultura política en chilenos, discutimos la paradojal evidencia encontrada en la literatura que plantea que, por un lado, las actitudes políticas más pro-democráticas y anti-autoritarias se observarían en sectores sociales acomodados y, por otro lado, las actitudes más pro-conservadoras y anti-igualitaristas se observarían en grupos sociales dominantes. Nuestros datos muestran que el patrón de actitudes políticas (autoritarismo, apoyo a la democracia, conservadurismo y nacionalismo) es similar entre personas de derecha de estrato alto, izquierda (...)
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    Multiclass Classification Procedure for Detecting Attacks on MQTT-IoT Protocol.Hector Alaiz-Moreton, Jose Aveleira-Mata, Jorge Ondicol-Garcia, Angel Luis Muñoz-Castañeda, Isaías García & Carmen Benavides - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-11.
    The large number of sensors and actuators that make up the Internet of Things obliges these systems to use diverse technologies and protocols. This means that IoT networks are more heterogeneous than traditional networks. This gives rise to new challenges in cybersecurity to protect these systems and devices which are characterized by being connected continuously to the Internet. Intrusion detection systems are used to protect IoT systems from the various anomalies and attacks at the network level. Intrusion Detection Systems can (...)
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    Proceso de arbitraje de los artículos.Ana Agud, Jorge Alemán, Héctor Oscar Arrese, Fernando Bahr, Óscar Barroso, Beatriz Bossi Ucm, Gustavo Cataldo, Tomás Calvo Ucm, Rodrigo Castro Ucm & Emiliano Costa - 2013 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 30 (1):295.
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    Cardiovascular medicine at face value: a qualitative pilot study on clinical axiology.Adalberto de Hoyos, Rodrigo Nava-Diosdado, Jorge Mendez, Sergio Ricco, Ana Serrano, C. Flores Cisneros, Carlos Macías-Ojeda, Héctor Cisneros, P. G. Barbara & B. J. Gilbert - 2012 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 7:14.
    IntroductionCardiology is characterized by its state-of-the-art biomedical technology and the predominance of Evidence-Based Medicine. This predominance makes it difficult for healthcare professionals to deal with the ethical dilemmas that emerge in this subspecialty. This paper is a first endeavor to empirically investigate the axiological foundations of the healthcare professionals in a cardiology hospital. Our pilot study selected, as the target population, cardiology personnel not only because of their difficult ethical deliberations but also because of the stringent conditions in which they (...)
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    Los espacios que habitan las mujeres en Capitães da areia de Jorge Amado.Héctor Andrés Rojas - 2017 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 9:143-177.
    The present article analyzes, from a gender perspective, the spaces inhabited by women. For this reasons, this article focuses on the different female characters that appear in Capitães da Areia by Jorge Amado, who are represented with decision power over their lives as they have an economic capital. Dora, the only girl that integrates the band, stands out among the women represented in the novel. When Dora arrives to the group, children have already sought compensatory strategies to avoid being (...)
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  10. Cardiovascular medicine at face value: a qualitative pilot study on clinical axiology.Adalberto de Hoyos, Rodrigo Nava-Diosdado, Jorge Mendez, Sergio Ricco, Ana Serrano, Carmen Flores Cisneros, Carlos Macías-Ojeda, Héctor Cisneros, David Bialostozky, Nelly Altamirano-Bustamante & Myriam Altamirano-Bustamante - 2013 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 8:3.
    Cardiology is characterized by its state-of-the-art biomedical technology and the predominance of Evidence-Based Medicine. This predominance makes it difficult for healthcare professionals to deal with the ethical dilemmas that emerge in this subspecialty. This paper is a first endeavor to empirically investigate the axiological foundations of the healthcare professionals in a cardiology hospital. Our pilot study selected, as the target population, cardiology personnel not only because of their difficult ethical deliberations but also because of the stringent conditions in which they (...)
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    Cardiovascular medicine at face value: a qualitative pilot study on clinical axiology.Myriam M. Altamirano-Bustamante, Nelly Altamirano-Bustamante, David Bialostozky, Héctor Cisneros, Carlos Macías-Ojeda, Carmen Flores Cisneros, Ana Serrano, Sergio Ricco, Jorge Mendez, Rodrigo Nava-Diosdado & Adalberto de Hoyos - 2013 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 8 (1):1-9.
    IntroductionCardiology is characterized by its state-of-the-art biomedical technology and the predominance of Evidence-Based Medicine. This predominance makes it difficult for healthcare professionals to deal with the ethical dilemmas that emerge in this subspecialty. This paper is a first endeavor to empirically investigate the axiological foundations of the healthcare professionals in a cardiology hospital. Our pilot study selected, as the target population, cardiology personnel not only because of their difficult ethical deliberations but also because of the stringent conditions in which they (...)
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    Uroz Rodríguez, Héctor, "Prácticas rituales, iconografía vascular y cultura material en Libisosa (Lezuza, Albacete). Nuevas aportaciones al Ibérico Final del Sudeste".Jorge Garcial Cardiel - 2013 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 18:310-314.
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    Héctor Wittwer (2003) Die Selbsttötung als philosophisches Problem: Mentis, Paderborn. 419 S., ISBN 3-89785-399-X, EUR 48,00.Hans-Jörg Ehni - 2006 - Ethik in der Medizin 18 (3):276-277.
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    HERNÁNDEZ, Maximiliano; DEL ESTAL, Héctor (Eds.): "Conceptos en disputa, disputas sobre conceptos", Dykinson, Madrid, 2022, 242p. [REVIEW]Jorge Ojeda Cabrera - 2023 - Ágora Papeles de Filosofía 42 (2).
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    José Rodríguez Elizondo y Héctor Casanueva (Editores), ¿Qué pasa en América Latina? Realidad política y económica de nuestra región, Editorial Andrés Bello, Santiago de Chile, 2008, 411 p. [REVIEW]Jorge Riquelme Rivera - 2009 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 23.
    Durante las últimas décadas, el análisis de los procesos de integración regional ha sido materia de especial interés para numerosos estudiosos de las relaciones internacionales. Entre las distintas visiones que se han enfocado en esta esfera, especialmente destacables resultan el funcionalismo, desde cuya perspectiva los estudios de David Mitrany resultan especialmente importantes; el neofuncionalismo de Ernst Haas y Philippe Schmiter; y el análisis de Karl Deutsch, desde el punto de vista d..
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    La artimañá del canto. El rapsoda Homero o la parodia de la guerra.Jorge Mario Mejía Toro - 2006 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 34:63-94.
    Partiendo de algunos estudios filológicos contemporáneos sobre el significado del nombre rapsoda, que recogen las interpretaciones más antiguas del mismo y llegan a vincularlo con el ardid, la trama y la artimaña, intentamos derivar la concepción de la poesía que Homero materializa en la Ilíada, lo que exige entonces decidir si el rapsoda es el aedo compositor o sólo el recitador de la obra consumada. Y el sentido de su acto de coser cantos o cantar con un cayado depende, a (...)
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    Aristoteles: De Memoria et Reminiscentia.C. Jorge Morán - 2013 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 2 (1):193-194.
    Saint Thomas Aquinas explains how is it that certain animals seem to possess prudence in some degree, according to Aristotle, thanks to the memory that they have, because it allows them to consider past facts besides the present ones. Thus, De Memoria et Reminiscentia treats about memory, which is common to man and perfect animals, and reminiscence, which is proper to man.
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  18. Sich selbst denkendes Denken. Zu Hegels Geistbegriff.Hector Ferreiro - 2019 - Studia Philosophica: Jahrbuch Der Schweizerischen Philosoph Ischen Gesellschaft, Annuaire de la Société Suisse de Philosphie 78:81-95.
    Abstract: According to Hegel, comprehension proper is the ostensible self-determination of thinking with the determinations that spontaneously present themselves as independent objects. By positing objective determinations as the own determinations of thought, comprehension reveals thinking as an activity that is practical. For Hegel, comprehending allegedly extrinsic objects, and free willing of the own determinations of the thinking and willing subject, are in essence the same activity: only subjects who can choose between the determinations that determine them can comprehend objects. To (...)
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  19.  32
    From Social Conflicts to Human Rights: The Normative Meaning of Human Rights in Rainer Forst.Jorge Armindo Sell - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 64 (2):e32885.
    Universal Declaration of Human Rights 70th anniversary is been celebrated in 2018. On the other hand, people are still arguing about the political, juridical, social and civilizational gains it has provided. Such discussions, however, focus on peripheral aspects of Human Rights, losing sight of what could be understood as its highest normative gain. Whenever arguments are not completely rectified, they dissociate from the social demands that actually gave them meaning and relevance. From this scope, the article intends to reconstruct the (...)
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  20. Hegel y América Latina. Entre el diagnóstico de la brecha de desarrollo y el eurocentrismo.Hector Ferreiro - 2019 - Hermenéutica Intercultural (31):187-208.
    Para Hegel, Asia señala el comienzo de la historia universal, mientras que Europa señala su consumación y final. La América precolombina, al igual que la África negra, están para Hegel fuera de la historia universal; en cuanto a la historia de América tras su descubrimiento por los europeos, Hegel sostiene que lo que ha sucedido desde entonces en el continente americano proviene, en rigor, del “principio de Europa”. Hegel contrapone a su vez la historia de América Latina a la de (...)
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    When unpleasantness meets feminines: a behavioural study on gender agreement and emotionality.Lucía Vieitez, Isabel Padrón & Isabel Fraga - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    The emotional connotation of words is known to affect word and sentence processing. However, the when and how of the interaction between emotion and grammar are still up for debate. In this behavioural experiment, 35 female university students read noun phrases (NPs) composed by a determiner and a noun in their L1 (Spanish), and were asked to indicate if the NPs were grammatically correct (elmasc camareromasc) or not (*lafem tornillomasc; i.e. a gender agreement task). The type of gender (arbitrary/natural), the (...)
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  22. Plata, Oswaldo.Jorge Aurelio Díaz - 2010 - Ideas Y Valores 59 (143).
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  23. Ontología de las ciudades imaginarias.Jorge Jiménez - 2006 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 44 (111):19-24.
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  24. Gobernanza de Internet: introducción.Jorge Pérez & Ana Olmos Sanz - 2009 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 80:58-62.
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    Anonymous Work, 2005.Jorge Ribalta - 2012 - Philosophy of Photography 3 (2):367-373.
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    Selección efectiva de características para bioseñales utilizando el análisis de componentes principales.Jorge Hernando Rivera, César Germán Castellanos Domínguez & José Adalberto Soto Mejía - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  27. El evangelio según San Morin. Una crítica a la concepción religiosa del pensamiento complejo.Jorge Karel Leyva Rodríguez - 2008 - A Parte Rei 59:5.
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  28. La seducción de la barbarie : esbozo de una poética geocultural.Jorge Torres Roggero - 2016 - In José Tasat, Juan Pablo Pérez & Rodolfo Kusch, Arte, estética, literatura y teatro en Rodolfo Kusch. Sáenz Peña, Provincia de Buenos Aires: Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero.
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    El ocioso y sus obras.Jorge Santayana - 2002 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 21 (1):185.
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    Bantoguês: gramatical sentimento: poesia e prosa.José Jorge Siqueira - 2021 - Rio de Janeiro: Letra Capital.
    Este livrinho é antes de tudo um desabafo. Poético existencial, sim. Mas também uma reflexão incontida, que não quer se calar. Busca, portanto, também a prosa de nosso tempo. Neste sentido, existe aí a história, a gnose religiosa, a filosofia do nosso tempo.Mais que nunca estamos cara a cara com uma nova Era, diante de um outro objetivamente possível relato na história da humanidade. Pela primeira vez necessária e plenamente universal. Isso é cada vez mais inegável e abrangente para qualquer (...)
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    El reinado de Yhwh anticipado en la liturgia de Israel. Sal 93-100 como composición.Jorge Blunda - 2020 - Salmanticensis 67 (1):11-34.
    Hay toda una teología de la historia contenida los salmos; pero una teología que acontece en el acto mismo de la oración, comunitaria, canónica, litúrgica. Por eso hay que rastrearla en los textos que le ponían palabras a esta plegaria. Partiendo del supuesto de una redacción planificada del Salterio, este trabajo se concentrará en el libro IV del Salterio, porque allí se constata un giro decisivo en el lenguaje, que corresponde a una redefinición de las esperanzas de Israel. En el (...)
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    Labyrinter.Jorge Luis Borges - 2010 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 28 (4):156-158.
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  33. Mascotas 3.0.Jorge Carabias - 2011 - In Ivano Dionigi & Guido Barbujani, Animalia. Milano: Biblioteca universale Rizzoli. pp. 24--233.
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  34. Christian Wolff on Individuation.Jorge Garcia - 1993 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 10:147-164.
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    (1 other version)On ‘High-Mindedness’.Jorge Garcia - 1989 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 63:98-107.
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  36. El escolasticismo ibérico: puente entre la antigüedad clásica y el pensamiento colonial iberoamericano.Jorge Gracia - 1998 - Cuadernos de Pensamiento Español 7:45-81.
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    George F. Hourani 1913 - 1984.Jorge J. E. Gracia - 1984 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 58 (2):275 - 276.
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  38. La idea de la liberación: un modelo de enfoque historiográfico.Jorge Gracia - 1998 - Cuadernos de Pensamiento Español 7:119-135.
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    Linguistic Rights: Language and Children.Jorge J. E. Gracia - 2008 - In Latinos in America: Philosophy and Social Identity. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 112–125.
    This chapter contains section titled: Linguistic Rights for Latinos Pogge's Argument for English—first A Worrisome Suspicion Language Priority in the Education of Latino Children.
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  40. Thomas Aquinas., On Being and Essence (ante 1256).Jorge Je Gratia - 2003 - In Jorge J. E. Gracia, Gregory M. Reichberg & Bernard N. Schumacher, The Classics of Western Philosophy: A Reader's Guide. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
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    What Is Latin American Philosophy?Jorge Je Gracia - 2007 - In George Yancy, Philosophy in Multiple Voices. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
  42.  19
    Ricardo Camargo. El Sublime Re-torno de la (Crítica de la) Ideología. De Platón a Žižek.Jorge Larraín - 2012 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 68:203-226.
  43. Greatness-service MC 9, 33-37, 10, 41-45 and significant role regarding the monitoring in section 8, 27-10, 52.Jorge Morales - 1994 - Franciscanum 36 (106-108):9-100.
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    Sentencias sobre el Ente y la Generación en el Espíritu de la Filosofía Platónica.Jorge Oscar Velásquez - 2017 - Revista de filosofía (Chile):77-86.
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    Sustainability and Sustainable Development: Philosophical Distinctions and Practical Implications.Donald Charles Hector, Carleton Bruin Christensen & Jim Petrie - 2014 - Environmental Values 23 (1):7-28.
    The terms ‘sustainability’ and ‘sustainable development’ have become established in the popular vernacular in the 25 years or so since the publication of the report of the Brundtland Commission. Often, ‘sustainability’ is thought to represent some long-term goal and ‘sustainable development’ a means or process by which to achieve it. Two fundamental and conflicting philosophical positions underlying these terms are identified. In particular, the commonly held notion that sustainable development can be a pathway to sustainability is challenged, and the expedient (...)
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  46. Maetzu y la Hispanidad.Jorge Lombardero Alvarez - 1999 - El Basilisco 25:51-60.
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    (1 other version)Sobre el proyecto de filosofía social en Dialéctica negativa.Jorge del Arco - 2021 - Isegoría 64:19-19.
    This paper addresses two of the objections that can be raised against the presence of a project of social philosophy in Negative Dialectics. First, I argue that the continuity of Adorno’s social diagnosis with Lukács’ theory of reification should be nuanced by interpreting the core of his social theory as an analysis of the process of subsumption that occurs with the autonomization of social objectivity. Secondly, I present the notion of constellation as the core of Adorno’s epistemological argument in Negative (...)
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  48. Vol. VII—1994.Jorge V. Arregui, José María Atencia, Antonio Caba, Antonio J. Diéguez Lucena, Chantal Maillard & Juan Fernando Ortega Muñoz - 1996 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 1:378.
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  49. Constantin Noica.Jorge Uscatescu Barrón - 1988 - Filosofia Oggi 11 (3):465-474.
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  50. ""¿ Es relevante lo" dado" para la justificación?Jorge Ornelas Bernal - 2002 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 7:115-133.
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